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Benefits of Green Apples for Elders

Benefits of Green Apples for Elders

An apple is a mess-free fruit that has been known to offer numerous health benefits. We all have heard it – an apple a day keeps the doctor away – and there are actually good reasons for that. Add to that the exciting taste of a green apple


Weight Loss Aid

The fibre in green apples makes it slower for them to be digested, which keeps you feeling full for a longer time. And the water content makes you feel like you have plenty of food in your tummy, without the extra calories.


Improved Vision

Our vision gets weaker as we age, making it important to consume food that can help protect the eyes. Green apples are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, antioxidants, and phytonutrients, which make them a great food for improved vision. These micronutrients fight damages and infections in the eye, help the wounds heal faster, and protect the lens as well as the outer layer of the eyes.